martes, 29 de marzo de 2011


Hi my new partners of the reality of english "the grange"... 

My nickname is Maru. I'm the second sister of five siblings, and our life my mother only.

I'm of social science. I did my professional practice in the past year and I have class of diplomat, it was awful (:s). But the good is that I joined with my partners more, they are very friendly and funny...

Now I have did my thesis and I´m in programs in the university for popular education and systemic clinic, also I go dance... and English, that is very difficult for me (v - v)...

I like very much my career and my University, because It has a critic social focus, but terminate the career is very complicated, because I not know in where will work... I would like that this year was relaxed but not!, is very stressful again!... I would like be free and I want to do what I like and not what I... I'm trying to be so, combining the two things

I like a very much things I am multifaceted, now interesting very much the expressing with the body, the aspect emotional not rational and as affect in the persons, also interesting the meditation...

I like garning, I want have an orchard and in my windows I have my flowers... I like cooking too, but not only I like help me to cook or eat together... I think eat only is very depressing, I dislike... I like sleep, speak, listen music, read, eating and lie in the sun :)

1 comentario:

  1. Hi! is great that you love your carrear and the university...
    I spect that you feel great in the class with all the guys...

    See you soon!
