martes, 26 de abril de 2011

My Faculty

Hi partners, today I go speak about my faculty...

I study in the faculty of Social Ciences, this name represents me more that my carrer (Psichology), that I study more of sociaty and your process that only person, that we don´t living onlys. For this reason I love my faculty, but also I think that need more interdisciplinarity of the carrer that they have.
We need more practice in the course of the carrer too. And in this practice share with people of other carrer, work togheter, of this form will really interdisciplinary and all people learn of the different points of view.
I would do that every the subjects would practice have relationship, so who says Paulo Freire in the reflection and action – that called Praxis – is achieved the really learn. In relation to this is that also I think that university would more bound to the comunity, to the problems specific that society have and not locked up in his bubble our seeing how to help large enterprises more that the people of the community.

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

A Country I`d Like to Visit

Hi partners of "the grange", this week's task is to tell you about that country I would like to visit...
A country I have always wanted to visit is Tibet, but back in history, because Tibet no exists like country in our times, because the Tibet was invided for China in 1949, for this reazon in 1959 the current Dalai Lama - your spiritual and political leader- scaped for request of your people to India. Since these hapen China prohibeted the Tibet cultur, so far it keeps going... is really horrid!!!... See for yourself

What I would like to know is about its culture, is for this I have go in the pass. I would like to try studding its culture, but my look is tinted by the culture occidental, because I have been inserted in it since I was born. But, I hope that if I´m in this place or I can know the monk tibetans, I will be able to know its culture better.

Also Tibet is a very beautiful place, as I have seen in a documentary on TV. The Tibet is wonderful and varied place, because have great vegetation and fauna too.
Not find it beautiful?

If you too would like to get to know this place will give the following... In this blog will talk about Tibet and places to visit. And give you lots of information hereabout this place ... informed so you can travel.

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Transantiago: Before and after.

Nowadays, my opinion of Transantiago is a lot better than some time ago, because it has been improving thanks to the increasing quantity of buses and the new routes. But, I must say in a beginning it was awful; many routes were left out of the plan and a small quantity of buses made the transport system collapsed quickly. 

If I compare my experience of the pre-transantiago system with the new system, I think that:
- Before, the buses were quick, but it competed for to carry more passengers!, which sometimes was very dangerous, because this situation could end in an accident. In the other hand, I like theses buses that covered large distances... I could go to anywhere in only a bus!; travel all over Santiago!.

- Now, "The Transantiago" is a system that it connect the metro and the buses for to travel by Santiago. Whoever use this transport, we have a card "Bip!", that it serve for to travel on bus and subway. I don´t like: a) that the card "Bip!" is the unique form of payment!, therefore we must not forget charge it with money! or else you can be penalize!!!. b) you wasted much time in waiting and swapped buses; and c) to take a bus after midnight is very difficult!.... Apparently, the entrusted of Transantiago forget the great quantity of people; and also, that there are many young people that they have life!!. Well, I must admit that the Transantiago is safer and cleaner than the other system and that I like that can take more a bus over with same passage!!! XD.

Subway with problems (leaks)

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

My pet Peluza

Peluza is my dog is very special, I don`t know that race it is, but she is beauty and sweet. She is small and hairy (ofcourse jijiji) She have all full of hairs.

She arrived at my house when it was big, because my neighbors throw away into the street their pets when grow and my dog cosmo fell in love she and we think that she was pregnant, I felt yours babys, but not she been sterilized. In this way she stayed in the house. So she is very crafty jijiji.

Now she is old and she have to eat puppy because not bite well. She is very educated and loving, I think that is because she was beat... for this reason she is very different to ours pets that we have raised, that they are not educated and they are hyperkinetic, instead peluza is very quiet.

We have many pets after I was a child, but always somethig bad happens for this manner of being. My other dog was got run over one day that the door was open because was being built in my house, was awful. After of this we have apprehension for to have other pet. For other part, almost never I`m in my house, for this reason I can not take care of a pet. But I like much the animals and I hope that when I have my house filled with different animals but I would like this were free, as a park