I study in the faculty of Social Ciences, this name represents me more that my carrer (Psichology), that I study more of sociaty and your process that only person, that we don´t living onlys. For this reason I love my faculty, but also I think that need more interdisciplinarity of the carrer that they have.
We need more practice in the course of the carrer too. And in this practice share with people of other carrer, work togheter, of this form will really interdisciplinary and all people learn of the different points of view.
I would do that every the subjects would practice have relationship, so who says Paulo Freire in the reflection and action – that called Praxis – is achieved the really learn. In relation to this is that also I think that university would more bound to the comunity, to the problems specific that society have and not locked up in his bubble our seeing how to help large enterprises more that the people of the community.