martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Transantiago: Before and after.

Nowadays, my opinion of Transantiago is a lot better than some time ago, because it has been improving thanks to the increasing quantity of buses and the new routes. But, I must say in a beginning it was awful; many routes were left out of the plan and a small quantity of buses made the transport system collapsed quickly. 

If I compare my experience of the pre-transantiago system with the new system, I think that:
- Before, the buses were quick, but it competed for to carry more passengers!, which sometimes was very dangerous, because this situation could end in an accident. In the other hand, I like theses buses that covered large distances... I could go to anywhere in only a bus!; travel all over Santiago!.

- Now, "The Transantiago" is a system that it connect the metro and the buses for to travel by Santiago. Whoever use this transport, we have a card "Bip!", that it serve for to travel on bus and subway. I don´t like: a) that the card "Bip!" is the unique form of payment!, therefore we must not forget charge it with money! or else you can be penalize!!!. b) you wasted much time in waiting and swapped buses; and c) to take a bus after midnight is very difficult!.... Apparently, the entrusted of Transantiago forget the great quantity of people; and also, that there are many young people that they have life!!. Well, I must admit that the Transantiago is safer and cleaner than the other system and that I like that can take more a bus over with same passage!!! XD.

Subway with problems (leaks)

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