martes, 14 de junio de 2011

Self Evaluation of My Academic Years of English

Hello, finally I am finishing this process of English learning at the university - I hope it goes well!!! and this is finally the end post - and today, I am going to talk about self evaluation of my academic years, in special this half of the year 2011.

To begin with, I need to tell you that this year is very important for me, because it is my last year at the university; I will graduate in December and get my degree in Psychology. I feel very nervous, sad and happy at the same time; as I am going through several changes right now. As you can imagine, this it has been a long process!. In this academic year I have subjects that I should do (english and dance), a subjects of post-graduate and my memory... Therefore, this year has been so dificult. Actually, all years in the university are been very complicate to me. And English signature has been harder (v – v), because I know nothing about english, but my friends help me (^ v ^). During this process sometimes I feel that I will not able to do it. Nevertheless, I know that I must trust in my capacities in order to achieve my goals.... The best of everything is I´m in the end of English signature... at the end!!!... Anyway, I like the ways to learn english, this form to teach is better in the university than college, because is funnier and interactive. For this reason, is easier to learn english, that in Piaget´s words, is in the interaction with others that we learn, because the learning is a construction that is created with others. For this reason I like this form of work, with yours partners, for example speaking between us, we construct sentences in a conversation completing the questionnaires, etc.

In conclusion, I like all this age of English signature because is interactive and it has allowed me to know other partners of other careers of the university and I have new friends. But, I don´t like it because is very complicated for me and consuming much time and I have other things to do more important in this moment. In addition, I think that in this moment I really need English and I will learn it… in this moment I don´t use english in my daily life, for this reason is more difficult to learn.

martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

As Changed Chilean Society

Hi... this is the ninth blog... and in this blog I have to write about our Chilean society, I want you to write about how Chileans have changed during the past years in matters regarding with the social, the political and the education.

In the social matters a change very important is the progresive incorporation of the womens in the world of work. That women are gaining ground in the workplace, therefore brings reducing the amount of time dedicated to raising a family having children implies a significant emotional and economic commitment and, this aware of the responsibilities and the economic cost that come with having children, are choosing a smaller family, that is the cause of the fall in fertility rate. Of this way Family life in Chile is not the same as it once was. Just a few decades ago, it was common for families to have four or five children. Now, the family photo looks a lot sparser.

In this topic also influence changes in the political. With divorce legalized only five years ago, there are now as many marriages as there are divorces.

On the other hand, people increasingly are getting married less, people do not want more responsibility or ties. The women has been so long subjugated psychologically and economically, that now not want to be told what to do with your life and your money. Is also, for this reason, that has fallen fertility rate.

With respect in Political and Education, since the military coup, has tended to privatize more and more, so much so that health and education is a business now, that not very profitable for the people... with the different policies that have been implemented, that has been increasingly favoring the private sector, provides state aid,  that has progressively weakening the public sector.

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

Challenges in My Discipline

Today, I must say that the subject of this day is a little difficult... .After much thought, I think that the some challenges that my discipline should be:

In the Technology area, progress has been progressing... but I think that my career in my university has some problems of resources; our library has few books update. And our laboratory of neuroscience has not the equipment necessary; moreover, its infrastructure is insufficient. I consider it important as student to have these resources.

Also I think we should know better how to use the technology area, for example: databases, to our website or repository of documents, etc...

Of the Social Matters area: should treat the social problems from the social sciences; that is, from the sociology, anthropology and psychology, because if we treat the social problems only from the psychology... we finish reducing the social problems as if the person were the problem! – it is a reductionist look!- . we need to share the knowledge with the others careers... For this reason, the psychology need to develop a social look in general. Also the psychology have need that with this social look, deal the subjective processes. In particular the desire, which is very important because guides our lives ...

About the Education Area: is needed to social look too, is necessary to change in the system complete from that changes in education, because this only reflects the system's problems, Therefore, it becomes necessary to know about educational policies and how you are influencing the behavior and subjectivities of those involved in education.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

Education in Chile: Problems and Solutions

This topic is very dificult... is very much the problems of education in Chile, because in Chile is the system in general that is bad, for this reason, who say Carnoy, is necessary to change in the system complete from that changes. This situation is a problem of all our society!!!

A long time ago, more specifically since the military government, the situation of education is deficient highly in our city. The military governement introduced a new form to administer the resources in the education, which it will be in hands of the municipalities, this brought for example the bad social condition of the teachers, the teachers are not valued as a true "professional". In the time of the dictadure, the salary of the teachers was considerably reduced, which has brougth several consecuences; as far as the deterioration of the teaching practice...

Finally to the education lack humanization, teach love for example, how proposed Freire and Claudio Naranjo. Also how talk us Claudio Naranjo in your book “change education, change of world”. the children’s creativity is killed by the schools, Is very true that school privilege certain knowledges above others. This search form homogeneous peoples whit homogeneous knowledges. Instead of appreciate and foment the diversity of likes and boost this skill through of foment creativity personal and working in group, because the creativity is so important as others knowledges. For that reason the schools owe deal with the same importance. And not foment the fear wrong.
The people owe be artist in the different field of your life, from this owe creativity and love the who make.

Also I like that he talk about think not the mind separately of body. Therefore the education owe be from boost comprehensive of the person.

And all this can only be achieved with social struggle!!!... 

I like this pictur because is of the place where I live


martes, 3 de mayo de 2011


Hi... today I go speak about one Article of page in internet "The Guardian". The name of this article is “South Africa gay rights activists warn of homophobic attacks after murder of lesbian campaigner", It went write for David Smith the day Tuesday 3 May 2011. The link of this article is

In this article Smith says about brutal homophobic attacks in South Africa after of murder and gang rape of a lesbian activist. An increasingly common crime for this called homophobic "epidemic". In this acts, that called "corrective rape", of men rape lesbians who from "cure" them of their sexual orientation from after give brutal death and the bodies of were dumped in public places. The vicious nature of the assault is a potent reminder that these attacks are premeditated, planned and often committed with impunity. All this have warned Human rights campaigners, also noted that no arrests have been made and claimed homophobic violence is continuing unchecked in South Africa 's townships.

The members of the Ekurhuleni have faced harassment and attacks because of their visibility.

The government agreed to set up a national working group to address "corrective rape" to meet the demands of an online petition with record number for a campaign on the social change website In this petition stated: "The South African government and the justice system is failing these victims of corrective rape by letting the perpetrators out on ridiculously low bail, and taking literally years to bring the court cases to a conclusion. In the meantime the victims have to live with seeing their rapists every day, being taunted and threatened by them, as are those who help the victims."

martes, 26 de abril de 2011

My Faculty

Hi partners, today I go speak about my faculty...

I study in the faculty of Social Ciences, this name represents me more that my carrer (Psichology), that I study more of sociaty and your process that only person, that we don´t living onlys. For this reason I love my faculty, but also I think that need more interdisciplinarity of the carrer that they have.
We need more practice in the course of the carrer too. And in this practice share with people of other carrer, work togheter, of this form will really interdisciplinary and all people learn of the different points of view.
I would do that every the subjects would practice have relationship, so who says Paulo Freire in the reflection and action – that called Praxis – is achieved the really learn. In relation to this is that also I think that university would more bound to the comunity, to the problems specific that society have and not locked up in his bubble our seeing how to help large enterprises more that the people of the community.