martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

Education in Chile: Problems and Solutions

This topic is very dificult... is very much the problems of education in Chile, because in Chile is the system in general that is bad, for this reason, who say Carnoy, is necessary to change in the system complete from that changes. This situation is a problem of all our society!!!

A long time ago, more specifically since the military government, the situation of education is deficient highly in our city. The military governement introduced a new form to administer the resources in the education, which it will be in hands of the municipalities, this brought for example the bad social condition of the teachers, the teachers are not valued as a true "professional". In the time of the dictadure, the salary of the teachers was considerably reduced, which has brougth several consecuences; as far as the deterioration of the teaching practice...

Finally to the education lack humanization, teach love for example, how proposed Freire and Claudio Naranjo. Also how talk us Claudio Naranjo in your book “change education, change of world”. the children’s creativity is killed by the schools, Is very true that school privilege certain knowledges above others. This search form homogeneous peoples whit homogeneous knowledges. Instead of appreciate and foment the diversity of likes and boost this skill through of foment creativity personal and working in group, because the creativity is so important as others knowledges. For that reason the schools owe deal with the same importance. And not foment the fear wrong.
The people owe be artist in the different field of your life, from this owe creativity and love the who make.

Also I like that he talk about think not the mind separately of body. Therefore the education owe be from boost comprehensive of the person.

And all this can only be achieved with social struggle!!!... 

I like this pictur because is of the place where I live


1 comentario:

  1. This topic is very SP dificult... is very much the problems of education in Chile, because in Chile is the system in general that is bad, for this reason, who say Carnoy, is necessary to change in the system complete from that changes. This situation is a problem of all our society!!!

    A long time ago, more specifically since the military government, the situation of education is deficient highly in our city. The military governement introduced a new form to administer the resources in the education, which it will be in hands of the municipalities, this brought for example the bad social condition of the teachers, the teachers are not valued as a true "professional". In the time of the WF dictadure, the salary of the teachers was considerably reduced, which has brougth several consecuences; as far as the deterioration of the teaching practice...

    Finally to the education SVA lack humanization, teach love for example, how WO proposed Freire and Claudio Naranjo. Also how talk us Claudio Naranjo in your book “change education, change of world”. the children’s creativity is killed by the schools, ^ Is very true that school privilege certain knowledges above others. This search form homogeneous WW peoples whit homogeneous knowledges. Instead of appreciate and foment the diversity of likes and boost this skill through of foment creativity personal and working in group, because the creativity is so important as WF others knowledges. For that reason the schools owe deal with the same importance. And not foment the fear wrong.
    The people owe be artist in the different field of your life, from this owe creativity and love the who make.

    Also I like that he SVA talk about think not the mind separately of body. Therefore the education owe be from boost comprehensive of the person.

    And all this can only be achieved with social struggle!!!...

    well done! I agree with you, some things are not taught in schools like love or respect etc
