martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

As Changed Chilean Society

Hi... this is the ninth blog... and in this blog I have to write about our Chilean society, I want you to write about how Chileans have changed during the past years in matters regarding with the social, the political and the education.

In the social matters a change very important is the progresive incorporation of the womens in the world of work. That women are gaining ground in the workplace, therefore brings reducing the amount of time dedicated to raising a family having children implies a significant emotional and economic commitment and, this aware of the responsibilities and the economic cost that come with having children, are choosing a smaller family, that is the cause of the fall in fertility rate. Of this way Family life in Chile is not the same as it once was. Just a few decades ago, it was common for families to have four or five children. Now, the family photo looks a lot sparser.

In this topic also influence changes in the political. With divorce legalized only five years ago, there are now as many marriages as there are divorces.

On the other hand, people increasingly are getting married less, people do not want more responsibility or ties. The women has been so long subjugated psychologically and economically, that now not want to be told what to do with your life and your money. Is also, for this reason, that has fallen fertility rate.

With respect in Political and Education, since the military coup, has tended to privatize more and more, so much so that health and education is a business now, that not very profitable for the people... with the different policies that have been implemented, that has been increasingly favoring the private sector, provides state aid,  that has progressively weakening the public sector.

1 comentario:

  1. It´s interesestinga that you talk, my mother and me are a clear example of this. When my mother are 21 years old she was married. I have a bit more years now and I think married when I am 30 or 35 years old not before :S
