martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

Challenges in My Discipline

Today, I must say that the subject of this day is a little difficult... .After much thought, I think that the some challenges that my discipline should be:

In the Technology area, progress has been progressing... but I think that my career in my university has some problems of resources; our library has few books update. And our laboratory of neuroscience has not the equipment necessary; moreover, its infrastructure is insufficient. I consider it important as student to have these resources.

Also I think we should know better how to use the technology area, for example: databases, to our website or repository of documents, etc...

Of the Social Matters area: should treat the social problems from the social sciences; that is, from the sociology, anthropology and psychology, because if we treat the social problems only from the psychology... we finish reducing the social problems as if the person were the problem! – it is a reductionist look!- . we need to share the knowledge with the others careers... For this reason, the psychology need to develop a social look in general. Also the psychology have need that with this social look, deal the subjective processes. In particular the desire, which is very important because guides our lives ...

About the Education Area: is needed to social look too, is necessary to change in the system complete from that changes in education, because this only reflects the system's problems, Therefore, it becomes necessary to know about educational policies and how you are influencing the behavior and subjectivities of those involved in education.

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