martes, 3 de mayo de 2011


Hi... today I go speak about one Article of page in internet "The Guardian". The name of this article is “South Africa gay rights activists warn of homophobic attacks after murder of lesbian campaigner", It went write for David Smith the day Tuesday 3 May 2011. The link of this article is

In this article Smith says about brutal homophobic attacks in South Africa after of murder and gang rape of a lesbian activist. An increasingly common crime for this called homophobic "epidemic". In this acts, that called "corrective rape", of men rape lesbians who from "cure" them of their sexual orientation from after give brutal death and the bodies of were dumped in public places. The vicious nature of the assault is a potent reminder that these attacks are premeditated, planned and often committed with impunity. All this have warned Human rights campaigners, also noted that no arrests have been made and claimed homophobic violence is continuing unchecked in South Africa 's townships.

The members of the Ekurhuleni have faced harassment and attacks because of their visibility.

The government agreed to set up a national working group to address "corrective rape" to meet the demands of an online petition with record number for a campaign on the social change website In this petition stated: "The South African government and the justice system is failing these victims of corrective rape by letting the perpetrators out on ridiculously low bail, and taking literally years to bring the court cases to a conclusion. In the meantime the victims have to live with seeing their rapists every day, being taunted and threatened by them, as are those who help the victims."

1 comentario:

  1. It is interesting meet people than talk about of more than science, sometimes we are in a little world and we don't see that there is more than study and science.
